أخبار ساخنة

meadow brawl


 Witnesses of the meadow quarrel, the accused, cut off the power from the lighting poles so that cameras would not detect them

For the second day straight, the security administrations kept on overwhelming a huge security cordon around the site of the squabble that ejected between two families in the Marj Police Division, before the old Marj tram station referred to in the media as the "Marj Fight", in which two individuals were killed and 5 others were harmed, because of one of the gatherings Scuffle by getting and utilizing guns and taking shots haphazardly at the group of the two casualties

The analysts of the Cairo Security Directorate were likewise ready to capture more than 20 individuals from the two sides of the squabble, blamed for discharging projectiles, impelling frenzy and fear among residents, and obliterating private property.

The East Cairo Public Arraignment heard the proclamations of the harmed and observers in the occurrence, who affirmed during their explanations that individuals from the "Sa'idah" family blamed for discharging slugs, which prompted the demise of the two casualties, consistently fights with others, and that this isn't the principal episode for them to go after others with weapons. They made sense of that almost quite a while back, an individual from that family torched an individual's shop and harmed various residents during a fight likewise because of neighborhood debates.

Witnesses added that a fight broke out between the casualty's sibling and an individual from the "Sa'ida" family since he was remaining before the casualty's sibling's shop and dozing in the spot to sell his merchandise as a road merchant, which maddened the dead man's sibling and would not remain before his juice shop, adding that he went to him and requested that he leave Nonetheless, the road seller would not leave the spot and a squabble broke out between them, every one of them encroached on the other, making sense of that the person in question when he learned of the occurrence, attempted to accommodate the matter between the two gatherings without favoring one side with his sibling and being nonpartisan.

Onlookers clarified that the other party in the squabble, the group of the "Saida" family, didn't acknowledge the decision of the person in question, and they got their family members and companions ownership of guns, and during the standard meeting between the two gatherings, they discharged projectiles at individuals from the casualty's family, making sense of that they likewise detached the power from the lighting posts situated in the road so the region is in finished haziness so they can do their egregious wrongdoing, so they are not obviously observed by the reconnaissance cameras nearby

The Marj Public Arraignment had requested the post-mortem examination of the casualty's body, and the readiness of a point-by-point report of the physical person, to demonstrate the genuine reason for death, and furthermore requested to ask about the state of the harmed in a similar fight, and the arraignment keeps on dumping every one of the cameras encompassing the location of the mishap, to uncover the conditions and reasons for the occurrence, as it was found through Starting examinations, that the reason for the squabble was the complaint of the proprietor of a juice shop to a road seller remaining before his shop available to be purchased

Examinations showed that a verbal fight broke out between them, which formed into a squabble with guns and white weapons, which brought about the passing of one individual and the injury of 5 others.

The primer assessment likewise uncovered that the proprietor of a juice shop had a squabble with one of the merchants close to the old Marg metro station since he denounced him for remaining before the shop during the passage and exit of his clients. He needed to squabble with him and they had guns
