أخبار ساخنة

Nowruz date and ritual


 Nowruz date and ritual

Egyptian Christians celebrate one of the most famous events in Egypt every year. What is the date of Nowruz 2021? Also, what's the ceremony?

On Thursday (September 9th), the Coptic Historical Center noted the Nowruz 2021 methodology by displaying three artifacts in the temporary exhibition hall, a combination reminiscent of the first half-year requests for Arabic in red and dark pink. 

The third piece remembered the symbol of the holy person with a delegate display of military slogans bearing a cross, and the picture was attributed to John the Armenian.

The celebration of The Egyptian Nowruz is different from a partnership between Kurds, Shiites, and Persians, and around the time of his arrival, some considered what is the celebration of Nowruz?

Nowruz coincides with the Coptic New Year for Egyptians, the main day of the Horticultural New Year.

The Nowruz event remained linked to the Egyptian worker until the hour of the President of Diocletian, who was portrayed by his ill-treatment of Christians and dedicated to visiting the associations of their saints.

Nowruz 2021 begins on the first day of the rural year and the end of the flood season, but how can Egyptians know its history after the dam is developed?

Nowruz has been set for 2021 and is scheduled to be celebrated by Christians on Saturday, September 11.

On Saturday, Egyptians celebrate Nowruz in 1736 in the Coptic Table.

Nowruz is recognized among Egyptians through part of the practices of Christians. What are Nowruz celebrations?

At this event, Christians usually buy red dates, because of their diversity, which represents the blood of the saints, and their essence indicates a strong adherence to religion, and its authentic taste with pleasure, according to Christian convictions.

On Nowruz, Christians also eat guava products, because its white accent shows, as Christian convictions suggest, the virtue of the hearts of saints.

Loan start date 2022

Another strict event approaching is the start of loan 2022.

Christians begin to pay tribute to the start of the extraordinary loan of 2022 on Wednesday, February 17, and the quick work continues until April 1 of that very year, the longest fast day for Christians.
