أخبار ساخنة

Summary of Egypt's news today


 Foreign reserves rise to 40.8 billion dollars

The Central Bank introduced that overseas reserves rose to 40.825 billion greenbacks at the stop of September

And Sisi is following up on the government role of a collection of initiatives of the Engineering Authority, the Ministry of Housing, which acquired the United Nations Prize for Human Settlements

The Central Bank is growing the period of the loan finance initiative for middle-earnings humans to attain 25 years

And dividing the League Cup into 3 organizations and some massive monetary prizes for the hero

Sameh Shoukry, who thank you the State of Russia for assisting Egypt in the problem of the Renaissance Dam. It provides regions of cooperation within the joint convention with Lavrov and searches for a two-kingdom answer and a stop to the Palestinian conflict. He affirms that Cairo considers the kingdom of Syria an element Of the Arab National Security.

This fatwa requires donations to the initiative of first-rate lifestyles for ongoing alms,

and the consultant of Egypt to the United Nations says cross-border clean water disputes can also additionally represent a war

Akram al-Qassas statement: The Egyptian military is continually after the humans, and all attempts to entrap them have failed.

. The Russian Foreign Minister confirms his country's efforts to expand cooperation with the Republic of Egypt and grow tourism trips.

Al-Ahly renews the agreement of Amr Al - Saliya, an agreement for three years

Salah leads Liverpool membership within the 7th spherical of the English Premier

League English newspapers: a splendid legend.. and ESPN: the fine Egyptian big-name within the world.
