أخبار ساخنة

Karim Hendawy


 Katunga Karim Hendawy, Egyptian handball player, goalkeeper Octopus

Karim Hendawy, a handball player, or nicknamed Katunga, is another high dam in the Egyptian games goalkeeper, however this time it isn't in that frame of mind in handball, whose level has expanded decisively and widely during the past late years of worldwide gatherings.

Half a public handball player
Katunga, a handball player, is viewed as quite possibly the best goalkeeper in Egypt over the entire course of time, with numbers and measurements, to be a significant component in his profession, and the ascent of his level essentially during the new period.

Karim Hendawy is a handball player, brought into the world on May 1, 1988, implying that he is 33 years of age with the year 2021

Karim Hendawy plays with RK Euro farm Peleister, which takes part in the Macedonian Association and the European Association, and prevailed with regards to taking an interest with him during 88 matches.

Katunga began his handball profession at Zamalek club, and went along with him in the primary group, before moving to Besiktas in the Turkish season 2017-2018 after the extraordinary splendor that showed up on him.

Karim Hindawi stayed with Besiktas until 2019, to move to Dobrogia Sud and go on with him until 2020

Karim Hendawy's last proficient vocation with the Macedonian club RK Euro farm Pelister, with whom he presents an amazing presentation

Karim Hendawy, handball player

On the global level, Karim Hendawy is perhaps of the most established player in the Egyptian handball crew, and he started taking part in worldwide competitions in 2015 with the World Cup

Karim Hendawy was with the Egyptian handball crew in a few worldwide discussions, as follows:

World Cup: 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021
African Title: 2016 in Egypt, 2020 Tunisia
