أخبار ساخنة

The death of Field Marshal Tantawi


Al-Sisi, Egypt, lost its most loyal sons, and gave his life to serve his homeland for more than 50 years

In an announcement issued through the Presidency of the Republic, President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi said: "Egypt has misplaced one in every of its maximum unswerving sons and one in every of its army symbols, who gave his existence to serve his u." s. a. for extra than 1/2 of a century... the past due Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and Minister of Defense and Military Production. the former.”

On the authority of Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, President Sisi added: “A hero.. is one of the heroes of the wonderful October war, all through which he contributed to creating the finest glories and heroisms recorded in letters of mild in Egyptian history .. as a leader.. and a statesman who assumed duty for coping with u . s . a . in a tough period.” During that time, he accurately and appropriately faced the threatening risks that surrounded Egypt.”

And the Presidency of the Republic announcement concluded: “President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi mourns for the kingdom a person who had the traits of heroes. for u . s . a..”
