أخبار ساخنة

High school result with name and seat number


The general secondary result with seat number and name

Dr. Tariq Shawky, Clergyman of Instruction, said that the consequences of the great school confirmation will be declared today, adding that there is a positively compelling reason need to stress over the outcome.

Shawky proceeded: "We are glad to finish the secondary school tests without critical misfortunes, regardless of the way that we were presented to a lot of incredulity about its prosperity, protesting its instrument, and emptying a ton of break of the service, which was searching for creative arrangements constantly, and the optional tests one year from now electronically with the open book framework for the group of 2020."/2021, and for the people who bombed for the current year, they won't take an electronic test one year from now, yet will take a paper test with the new inquiry framework."

Secondary School Result Declaration Connection:

Even though it is accessible on the authority site of the Service of Schooling, the Overall Optional Outcome 2020, through the Service's site, the entrance through the connection, the Overall Auxiliary Outcome 2020 connection, and the outcome will be accessible through the inquiry by the seat number

The consequences of the overall optional school declaration can be seen by the understudy's seat number or name and the governorate to which he has a place when endorsed by the Service.

The Service reported the authority site for declaring the aftereffects of the overall optional school testament, through which the understudy can ask utilizing his name or the seat number and the governorate to which he has a place.

The Service of Training and Specialized Schooling had declared achievement rates in arbitrary examples for all secondary school tests in 2020, except the second unknown dialect test, and "Al-Masry Al-Youm" screens the achievement rates in irregular examples.

Brain science and Social science 95%.

Dr. Reda Hegazy, General Top of the Overall Optional Assessments, said that 3368 male/female understudies (31.95% of the complete irregular example) got a triumph rate from 90% to under 100 percent, which is more than the rate designated in the normal bend for test results for extraordinary understudies. Moreover, 669 male/female understudies got the last grades, 2434 male/female understudies (at a pace of 23.09% of the all-out irregular example) got a triumph rate from 80% to under 90%, and 1729 male/female understudies got (16.40% of the all-out example). randomized) with a triumph pace of 70% to under 80%.

The Arabic language is 95.4%.

Dr. Reda Hegazy, Head of General Optional Assessments, said that 112 male/female understudies got the last grades, isolated as follows: 91 male/female understudies from state-funded schools, 5 male/female school understudies, 16 male/female home understudies, and 6606 male/female understudies ( 29.20% of the complete irregular example) with a triumph rate from 90% to 100 percent, 5598 male/female understudies at 24.75% of the all-out irregular example) with a triumph rate from 80% to under 90%, and 4927 male/female understudies (with a level of 21.78% of the all-out irregular example) with a triumph pace of 70% to under 80%.

The English language is 90.2%.

Dr. Reda Hegazy, General Top of the Overall Optional Assessments, said that 4,982 male/female understudies (23.55% of the all-out irregular example) got a triumph rate from 90% to under 100 percent, which is more than the rate dispensed in the normal bend for test results for extraordinary understudies. Furthermore, 149 male/female understudies got the last grades, 4857 male/female understudies (22.96% of the complete irregular example) got a triumph rate from 80% to under 90%, and 4300 male/female understudies (20.33% of the all-out example) got Randomization) has a triumph rate from 70% to under 80%, and hence the response model is thought of and the evaluation goes on as indicated by this model.

Material science 79.4%.

Dr. Reda Hegazy, General Top of the Overall Optional Assessments, said that 3270 male/female understudies (26.30% of the all-out irregular example) got a triumph rate from 90% to under 100 percent, which is more than the rate distributed in the normal bend for test results for exceptional understudies. Furthermore, 486 male/female understudies got their last grades, 2546 male/female understudies (a pace of 20.48% of the all-out irregular example) got a triumph rate from 80% to under 90%, and 2163 male/female understudies got (17.40% of the all-out arbitrary example). irregular example) with a triumph pace of 70% to under 80%.

- Neighborhoods 87%.

5246 male/female understudies (48.01% of the complete irregular example) got a triumph rate from 90% to under 100 percent, notwithstanding (809) male/female understudies getting the last grades, as did (2048) male/female understudies (18.74). % of the all-out irregular example) with a triumph rate from 80% to under 90%, and (1130) male/female understudies (10.34% of the all-out arbitrary example) with a triumph rate from 70% to under 80%.

- History 89.1%.

Dr. Reda Hegazy, Top of the Overall Optional Assessments, said that 1,687 male/female understudies (16.86% of the complete irregular example) got a triumph rate from 90% to under 100 percent, which is more than the rate distributed in the normal bend for test results for remarkable understudies. Furthermore, 75 male/female understudies got the last grades, 2552 male/female understudies (25.50% of the all-out irregular example) got a triumph rate from 80% to under 90%, and 2215 male/female understudies got (22.14% of the complete arbitrary example). ) with a triumph pace of 70% to under 80%.

Geology 94.8%.

Dr. Reda Hegazy, Top of the Optional Assessments General, reported that 3,966 understudies from the all-out irregular example got a triumph rate from 90% to under 100 percent, notwithstanding 856 understudies getting last grades, and 2,277 understudies got a triumph rate from 80% to under 90. % and 1490 understudies got a triumph rate from 70% to under 80%. Recently, the Overall Optional Controls started assessing the grades of the irregular example for the second unknown dialect subject, like the Service of Schooling and Specialized Training held a gathering with the overall chiefs and managers of evaluation for the second unknown dialect subject at the republic level, to examine the methodology for remedying the arbitrary example for the second unknown dialect test for the Overall Auxiliary Endorsement For the scholastic year 2019-2020.

- Reasoning 91.8%.

Dr. Reda Hegazy, Top of the Optional Assessments General, said that 2,925 male/female understudies (a level of 28.67.7% of the all-out irregular example) got a triumph rate from 90% to under 100 percent, which is more than the rate dispensed in the normal bend for test results for remarkable understudies. Moreover, 1158 male/female understudies got the last grades, 2091 male/female understudies (at a pace of 20.50% of the complete irregular example) got a triumph rate from 80% to under 90%, and 1489 male/female understudies got (14.60% of the all-out example). randomized) with a triumph pace of 70% to under 80%.

Math 87%.

Dr. Reda Hegazy, Top of the Overall Optional Assessments, said that 757 male/female understudies (22.92% of the complete irregular example) got a triumph rate from 90% to under 100 percent, notwithstanding 197 male/female understudies getting the last grades. 767 male/female understudies (23.22% of the complete irregular example) got a triumph rate from 80% to under 90%, and 588 male/female understudies (17.80% of the all-out irregular example) got a triumph rate from 70% to under 80 %.

Topography 94.5%.

Dr. Reda Hegazy, Top of the Optional Assessments General, said that 5684 male/female understudies (50.82% of the complete irregular example) got a triumph rate from 90% to under 100 percent, notwithstanding 916 male/female understudies getting the last grades, as happened 2047 male/female understudies (18.30% of the all-out irregular example) with a triumph rate from 80% to under 90%, and 1127 male/female understudies (10.08% of the all-out irregular example) with a triumph rate from 70% to under 80% .

Science 86.3%.

Dr. Reda Hegazy, Head of General Optional Assessments, said that 5113 male/female understudies (37.91.1% of the all-out irregular example) got a triumph rate from 90% to under 100 percent, notwithstanding 1762 male/female understudies getting last grades. Likewise, 2,123 male/female understudies (15.74% of the complete irregular example) got a triumph rate from 80% to under 90%, and 1595 male/female understudies (11.83% of the all-out arbitrary example) got a triumph rate from 70% to under 80%.

Applied sports 87%.

Dr. Reda Hegazy, Top of the Overall Optional Assessments, said that 1215 male and female understudies (31.71% of the all-out irregular example) got a triumph rate from 90% to under 100 percent, as did (828) male/female understudies (21.61% of the complete arbitrary example). The all-out irregular example) with a triumph rate from 80% to under 90%, and (606) male/female understudies (15.82% of the all-out arbitrary example) with a triumph rate from 70% to under 80%, notwithstanding (236) Male/female understudies got the last grades in the complete of the two branches. Concerning the statics branch, (400) male/female understudies got the last grade, while (401) male/female understudies got the last grade in the elements branch.
